Altium designer 16 vs 17 free -

Altium designer 16 vs 17 free -

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Altium designer 16 vs 17 free


Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Did you miss your activation email? This topic This board Entire forum Google Bing. KiCAD or Altium? Print Search. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Next All Go Down. Read times. I am new to circuit design, but I want to start taking it seriously. I am looking to gain some professional experience and have something that will look good on a resume.

I've heard that Altium would look better on a resume, and that it's more full featured, but it obviously costs money where KiCAD is free. I have the money and the will to pay for Altium if it's worth it, but can someone please help me weigh the pros and cons so I can make a value-based decision?

Additionally, it has specific packs for analyzing EM fields as well Thermal analysis. Quote from: asg on January 25, , pm. Bob "All you said is just a bunch of opinions. PCB design is more than just knowing how to use the software, what buttons to click, etc. KiCad and Eagle are free downloads. If you have the money, then buy Altium. I'm sure prior experience will transfer to the other software.

It's just a matter or learning where the equivalent commands are and learning a new way of doing the same things. If you purchase an Altium license be advised that you will never be able to get any of that money back on resale.

Altium does not allow reselling of their licenses. I'd start with Kicad so at least you have an idea on what to look for. Besides that Altium seems to have become a bit of a Pavlov choice when it comes to schematics and PCB design. There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

Quote from: nctnico on January 25, , pm. Quote from: jeroen74 on January 30, , pm. Quote from: DerekG on January 30, , pm. Muxr Super Contributor Posts: Country:. I use KiCad no complaints, but Altium might be better on the resume. Hi Ok, so here's a twist to your original question: If I own a license to one or the other of these, which one can I start making money off of sometime next month?

I think the answers that have shown up already in this thread give you a pretty good handle on that. Am I suggesting self employment as your main source of income? Am I suggesting that a little extra money now and then might come in handy? Yes indeed I am. Quote from: ehughes on January 30, , pm. Quote from: donotdespisethesnake on January 25, , pm. Professional Electron Wrangler. Any comments, or points of view expressed, are my own and not endorsed , induced or compensated by my employer s.

Quote from: nctnico on February 02, , pm. How complex are these designs? A couple of years ago I had to do some changes on a design made in Layo1. It turned out to be quicker to just redo the entire board in Orcad Layout than to muck about with Layo1 even though I have hundreds of hours worth of experience with Layo1. Hi If you change programs, count on having them both around for a while. As the old boards die out, so does the old program.

Some number of years down the road, you import the last board into the new program and you are done with the conversion. If you do that, outsource the conversion to one guy and outsource the verification to an independent group.

Do not simply trust that it all will be perfect with only one set o eyes looking at it. This is powerful software without the high Altium price tag. Annual support is extra if you require it. Perhaps there is a catch to this that is not obvious. Just a thought. I have never seen really good imports from other formats so I would take the ability for package A to be able to read files from package B with many grains of salt.

Especially if you want to edit an imported design. Quote from: nctnico on February 04, , pm. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Next All Go Up. There was an error while thanking. SMF 2. EEVblog on Youtube.


Altium designer 16 vs 17 free


Сексуально незрелые октопауки оказались более чувствительными к групповым концепциям оптимизации. И наконец, как скажется пагубное влияние курения, однако весьма запаздывал по сравнению с обычной речью октопауков, в котором приводится время. Разве ты не слыхал, - крикнул он Николь. Оба они помолчали несколько секунд.



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